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Just to clarify, the Green Anole is not a true Chameleon. They can however change color to various shades of brown and green. Typically when they are ill or stressed out, they will turn a dark brown. When they are happy, content and healthy, they tend to be green. However, this is not always the case. As it turns out, their color can also be affected by current environmental conditions and even some of the food they eat. Given these facts, their color changing is sometimes called the “American Chameleon”, but they are not related to true Chameleons.

Both new comers and enthusiasts find the this little lizards to be quite attractive and intriguing. They have also become quite common and are a very popular pet. Most of the males have a strawberry-red dewlap, and some of the from the southwest Florida, designated the Southern Green Anole have a grey or greenish dewlap. Relatively inexpensive and easy to care for. Their small size makes them suitable for a small aquarium and they can conveniently fit into a wide variety of lifestyles and home environments.

Anoles are non-aggressive lizards that prefer to scamper away rather than bit. Small and inexpensive, they are considered more specialized in care and behaviour and as a result are usually not the best pet recommendation for all beginners. These lizards are best kept as visual pets rather than handled as they are rather delicate and difficult to hold on to. Anoles are very quick and can easily get lost. Anoles that do get gentle can become content and hang on your finger or cling to your shirt, without jumping and scampering away.

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The Green Anole is considered native on several continents including the United States, Bahamas, Cuba and Mexico. Several variations of Anole exist in the United States including the Brown Anole however, the Green Anole is the only anole species regarded as native here. We believe that the Green Anole was introduced into the United States, but it was quite some time ago. They have also been introduced to Belize, Hawaii, Anguilla, Cayman Islands, Guam, Spain, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau and several regions in Japan.

The Green Anole is known to inhabit a large range including most of the Gulf State, up through a the state of Virginia and far inward as Tennessee and Oklahoma. The Green Anole is found throughout the entire range, while the Southern Green Anole if found primarily in southern Florida. Other common names are American Chameleon, Carolina Anole, Tree Lion and throated Anole.

Petware House

True to their name, the Green Anole are distinct bright green. They have a wonderful color-changing ability and can change from bright green to dark green rather quickly. When fully grown the they reach about 15-18 cm. The reddish color under their throats are referred to as a dewlap. When matting season arrives the dewlap typically changes to pinkish color, through in the Southern Green Anole it is grey, greenish or might be white. At the tale end, males are generally thicker than that of the female. The average Anole lifespan is three to five years, though they can live as long as seven to ten years.

Petware House

A number of illnesses and ailments can be outright avoided with proper care and a clean living environment. A couple of the most common issues you will find are anoles fighting as a result of too many located in one cage and vitamin deficiency. Here at Petware House we carry many health products to help keep your pet at its best and avoid any problematic health concerns.

Petware House

Anoles will be happiest when kept as a visual pet. They are nervous little critters and jump all about if the handling is stressful to them. Anoles that eventually become content will hang on your finger or clint to your shirt, without jumping and running for safety.

Be sure to approach them in a gentle calm manner, don’t make any sudden moves. Don’t approach them from above, but instead, place your hands one each side and cup them, supporting the belly. You can then lightly hold the Anole’s head very gently between your thumb and first finger, just enough to keep the jaw from opening. Keep in mind not to grab the anole by the tail, as will separate. But sure to always was your hand before and after touching your anole.

Petware House

The Anole breed primarily in the spring and early summer. Females have the ability to store the male sperm from the males for as long as eight month. The female Anole will lay one egg every fortnight in a moist area, o if you are hoping for same breeding, it would be wise to keep a dish with most peat moss in the cage. She will scarcely care to cover the egg. The eggs incubate on average for about two months. Hatchlings are rather large, often at about 2 inches.

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Petware House

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Natural insectivores, without the need for any vegetables, the Anoles will eat crickets, mealworms and even an occasional wax worm. Its suggested that crickets be gut loaded or dusted in a calcium and vitamin powder prior to feeding. Anoles are diurnal – primarily active during the day, so their crickets should be fed during the day rather than at night. Be sure to leave a bowl filled with decholrinated water on daily basis.

Petware House

We suggest providing at least a ten gallon aquarium. For two to six anoles, consider at least a twenty gallon, tall aquarium, though if you have mostly males, you will want to consider a larger tanks. A substrate can consist of carpet or a substrate such as crushed walnut shells.

Anoles are tree-dwelling so vertically mounted pieces of driftwood or grapevine are welcome to climb on. Artificial vines attached to the side of the cage are also welcome additions.

Petware House

Though not as extensive for some lizards the Anole will require to thermoregulate their bodies. It’s suggested that the necessary environment be setup with a simple warm, basking area, in one spot of your pets enclosure. A fifty watt daytime bulb mounted above the basking area should be sufficient and provide any heat your pet may need. The basking area should be between 85 – 90 degrees and the cooler area should be about 70 – 75 degrees.

Petware House

As with any caged pet, it’s important to keep your reptile in good health. Being kept in a confined space, your reptile needs to be protected from harmful micro-organisms and parasites. Your cage will require incremental daily maintenance in addition to a complete cleaning once a week. Check daily on your pet and ensure that the tank is lean. On a regular basis, clean the carpet with and scoop up any waste.

Anything placed inside the cage should be washed and disinfected on a regular basis. This will include any dishes and cage décor. The little will need to be changed once every few months depending on how many Anole you decide to keep. Never clean or use Pine Sol. Chorine based cleaners are ok, but ensure the cage and any other item it comes in contact with be rinsed out, thoroughly.

Petware House

Anoles are typically well behaved when kept singly. Other than the mating season, they typically do not like the companionship of other anoles. If you happen to be keeping several together, be sure you have least one or more females. Generally not aggressive, male anoles are often territorial with other males. When in this mood setting, they can also be somewhat bossy towards their female counterparts and are more likely to bite.

The anole will typically run away when they perceive a threat and will always be prone to jumping. They will however become more social with humans over time.

Anoles will be happiest when kept as a visual pet. They are nervous little critters and jump all about if the handling is stressful to them.

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Petware House | Pet Care Information

All animals regardless of type, need and deserve our respect and will rely on our care. In the same fashion, the respect and care for your family, friends and your parents we need to do the same for our pets. Treating your pet with gentleness and kindness is the perfect way to show you that you care for it.

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Petware House is conveniently located at 7477 Lima Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana, which is just moments north of West Cook Road and a few minutes drive from the I-69. While heading north on Lima Road, you will find us on the left hand side of Lima Road, next to DAVCO Auto. We have ample parking for our visitors, parking for seniors, handicap and expectant mom’s. Additional accessibility is available for handicap and for the delivery of large items into and out of our store location. Come into our new showroom for the largest selection of healthy pets, pet food, pet accessories and let our friendly, knowledgeable staff help you find that perfect pet and solutions that work best for you.

Our store is conveniently open Monday through Saturday, 10 AM through to 8PM and on Sundays from 12 noon to 5 PM. If you have any questions regarding our store location, business hours or for general inquiries, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for further assistance.

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Great news! We have a pet care sheet available for this pet. You will require a Portable Document Format plug-in for your web browser or a compatible reader, to view this document.

Anole Pet Care Sheet
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