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Below you will find some of the most common parasites related to both puppies and dogs alike and
the most commonly related symptoms.
Causes and Behaviour:
- Most puppies get this from mother’s milk.
- They can contract this by ingesting infected food, water, vomit, or feces.
- Milk
- Puppies may have a swollen abdomen and stomach pain.
- Lethargy, vomiting, abnormal stool, lack of interest in food.
Causes and Behavior:
- Most puppies get this parasite through mother’s milk.
- Parasite lives in the small intestine, living off animal’s blood.
- Puppy may look unhealthy or have poor appetite.
- Linings of nostrils, lips, and ears will be pale.
- Dark, tarry stool, diarrhea, or constipation.
Causes and Behavior:
- Caused by ingesting a host animal that is infected, such as a bird, rodent, or fleas.
- Very common if dog is infested with fleas.
- They tend to settle in the small intestine.
- They tend to settle in the small intestine.
- Tapeworms or segments may be visible in the feces or in the fur around the anus.
- They are white or cream colored, and may be the size and shape of a grain of rice or cucumber seed.
- Animal may lick or bite anus and drag its butt to relieve itching.
Causes and Behavior:
- This is a protozoan that attacks the intestines.
- Can spread through contact with an infected dog’s feces.
- Can be caused by the stress of weather changes, environmental changes, moving, and travel.
- Watery, mucous-like diarrhea.
- May turn into bloody diarrhea and dog may show an inability to hold it.
- Animal may be in a weakened state.
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Causes and Behavior:
- This is a protozoan that affects the intestines.
- This is the most common parasite that affects humans.
- Infection may be sudden, temporary, intermittent, or chronic in nature.
- Approximately 50% of young puppies will become infected with this parasite.
- Most commonly spread through contaminated water, but may also spread through infected feces, directly or indirectly.
- Will cause diarrhea that is soft, frothy, greasy, and with a strong, awful odor or excessive mucous.
Demodectic Mange
Causes and Behavior:
- This is an inflammatory disease that is more genetic in nature.
- Dogs with immune system issues may be predisposed to this.
- This is transmitted from mother to puppies, but is not contagious to other animals.
- Hair loss is usually seen on the face, trunk, or legs, but may be generalized to the whole body.
- Patches might be red or appear scaly.
- Dog may become very itchy, or may not itch at all
We have three availbale documents. Please click on PDF icon to download a copy of our pet care document, or refer to our pet care index:
Pet Care Index
Pet Care for Dogs
Click on the PDF icon to download a PDF copy of this document.
Puppy Breaking Guide
Click on the PDF icon to download a PDF copy of this document.
Pure Vs. Mixed Pups
Click on the PDF icon to download a PDF copy of this document.
Common Dog Parasites Care
Click on the PDF icon to download a PDF copy of this document.
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