In North America culture, the name “paakeet” has been giving to the species of parrot properly known as the “budgerigal” or the “budgie, for short. Technically, a parakeet is any small species of parrot with a long tail, so it can correctly be called the “budgerigar parakeet”. Confusing? Yes. Let’s just call them parakeets.
The melopsittacus undulates, or parakeet for us non-scientific folks, is a small parrot about seven inches long with a weight of approximately thirty to forty grams. Native to the grasslands and scrublands of Australia, this bird has been known to travel to many wooded and coastal areas when food and water are in short supply in their preferred surroundings.
Under proper conditions the parakeet can live as long as fifteen years, depending on their diet and other factors. On average, the life expectancy of this bird is ten to fifteen years.
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Parakeets have gained much attention for some of their astounding accomplishments. For example a the Guinness Book of World Records documented the largest parrot vocabulary at 1,728 words and phrases.
The parakeet is highly trainable and very intelligent. Just like all parrots, it will need to be trained accordingly. While they are not capable of landing a bit that will send you the local emergency room for x-rays and stitches and aren’t load enough to cause any hearing damage, it does have one distinct advantage: it can fly.
Natural evader and flight master, which is not an uncommon thing for a small bird, we suggest not giving chase through the house. Unfortunately wing clipping and nail grooming are requirements for this small bird. We suggest building up a relationship with the animal prior to reaching into its cage and grasping them for routine maintenance. If you can gain the parakeets trust, this will be a much more simplified task, but if you scare the bird you’ll build feelings of mistrust and it won’t want to be around you.

Here at Petware House, we carry many bird related products such as foods, medicine, cages, bird toys and a lot more. We will be pleased to help you choose a cockatiel that best suits you. While shopping for a cockatiel keep some of the following details in mind to help you make the best choice. Does the bird have any sort of behaviour issues or phobias? Does it enjoy being petted? How does the bird prefer to interact? What does it prefer to eat? Does he or she have a favourite treat? Here are some positive signs of a good healthy bird. Check for alertness, bright feathers, bright eyes and nares which are free and clean of runny discharge. Don’t hesitate to contact Pet Warehouse and a representative will be pleased to assist you.

Parakeets are without question, extremely intelligent creatures and live in flocks numbers in the thousands. Communication among this species, as one would expect, use creative pitches of chirps to stay in close contact with each other, to track down their off-springs and to warn of danger. In captivity, the use the same chirps they are pets.
Parakeets are without question, extremely intelligent creatures and live in flocks numbers in the thousands. Communication among this species, as one would expect, use creative pitches of chirps to stay in close contact with each other, to track down their off-springs and to warn of danger. In captivity, the use the same chirps they are pets.
A number of species of Parrot can be quite loud – including cockatiels and macaws – parakeets on the other hand are not extremely loud. If you neglect them they will cry out, but if you take good care of them, they will chirp away happily.
Similar to a cat purr, the most common sound heard by a parakeet is what we refer to as a contented warble. They typically do this when they are falling asleep, listening to music, hanging out on your shoulder, preening themselves.
In the wild, no noise is synonymous with a predator lurking around. So, we highly suggest that you leave the radio or play some music from home entertainment unit. Did we mention that parakeets love music? As a matter of fact, a parakeet will sing along with songs to the best of their ability, often adding their own voices.
Like a re-run of the move Mars Attacks the parakeet is no stranger to the Ack-Ack-Ack and is form of Parakeet talk. Your parakeet is simply expressing his or her excited and happy nature.
You may at times hear a parakeets sheer abandon through an ark-ark-ark, however, if your parakeet bob’s its head up and down while communicating this, its typically a sign that something or someone might be aggravating your bird.
Parakeet Pet Care Sheet

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In the wild, no noise is synonymous with a predator lurking around. So, we highly suggest that you leave the radio or play some music from home entertainment unit. Did we mention that parakeets love music? As a matter of fact, a parakeet will sing along with songs to the best of their ability, often adding their own voices.
A healthy parakeet diet includes commercially balanced diets, such as Lafeber Premium Daily Diet Pellets, as well as other food, fresh vegetables and some seed. A well-cared-for cockatiel can live for more than fifteen years.
Like a re-run of the move Mars Attacks the parakeet is no stranger to the Ack-Ack-Ack and is form of Parakeet talk. Your parakeet is simply expressing his or her excited and happy nature.
You may at times hear a parakeets sheer abandon through an ark-ark-ark, however, if your parakeet bob’s its head up and down while communicating this, its typically a sign that something or someone might be aggravating your bird.
A FWEEP or a high pitched yelp is sort of a distress call that goes out which is commonly heard when a pair of parakeet is separated from each other. This is sort of a “lost! Lost!” cry to inform his or her parakeet pals to come find him.
With some patience and of course a willing parakeet participant, you can teach your parakeet how to talk. Male parakeets are much easier inclined and thought than a female parakeet. If your parakeet was hand raised, then these are often the easiest to teach. If you parakeet doesn’t learn to talk, it will still be able to communicate to you in its own fweeps and warbles.
Parakeets are extremely loving and smart and have an interesting array of sounds. Its not uncommon to hear a parakeet make noises which surround them in everyday environments such as cell phones ringing, beeping sound and more.
In North America, we refer to the budgerigar (nicknamed “budgie), which is an Aboriginal name derived from the words “budgery” (also betcherry) meaning “good”, and “gar” meaning “cockatoo”. As if there ever was such a thing as “bad” cockatoo!
The parakeet is by far the most loved bird and kept by millions of people all over the planet.
The parakeet has the largest documented vocabulary of any parrot species. A parakeet named Puck holds the Guinness Book of World Records title with 1,728 words and phrases!
Parakeets bred for show are quite often 25% larger than their native counterparts.
The word parakeet refers to small birds with long, flat tails. Other well-known parakeets are the Indian ringneck parakeet and the South American quaker parakeet!
The parakeet regular hear beat is just over 200 times per minute and carries normal body heat of over 102 degrees.
A normal parakeet clutch consists of about 5-7 eggs! That’s a lot of eggs for a little body!
The longest living parakeet named Charlie, from London England lived to the rip old age of 29 – he was hatched in 1948 and died on June 20, 1977 for a total life span of twenty-nine years.
A healthy parakeet diet includes commercially balanced diets, such as Lafeber Premium Daily Diet Pellets, as well as other food, fresh vegetables and some seed. A well-cared-for cockatiel can live for more than 20 years.
Parakeet Pet Care Sheet
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