So you’ve decided on a small animal as a pet for your family or yourself, but the question remains on which kind of small animal would best suit your lifestyle. In addition to the type of pet you will also have to consider your budget, space requirements and pet personalities. Petware House is pleased to carry some of the most popular small pets, so don’t hesitate to drop by our store. Make it a family event and bring the whole family to our store. We also carry many pet accessories, pet food and pet medication. Why choose another pet store?
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Chinchillas are loving, smart, inquisitive, active, vocal and interesting to watch. They make for great pets for the right family. They can also live up to twenty years and are considered long-term companions. We do not recommend them for kids. Children can be overzealous with affection and could frighten or injure a chinchilla. Out of fear, a chinchilla may possibly bite. Although a great pet, they do require gentle and careful handling.
The Chinchilla is an adorable and social animal and require a good deal of interaction. A lone chinchilla requires a great deal of attention and can easily become very attached to its owner. If you are unable to devote enough time to your pet, it is better to have two chinchillas than one lonely unhappy pet. A pair of chinchillas can entertain each other and interact and not be completely dependent on their owner.
Guinea pigs make for excellent pets, they are funny little creatures and are also very affectionate once they get to know and trust their owners. Be sure they are well looked after, have an interesting environment to live in and regular interaction with you. All of this will help build trust with the Guinea Pig.
Many of our customers love keeping guinea pigs as pets because they are very cute and friendly little creatures to have around. Remember to interact with them frequently to build up trust and loyalty. If you sit with them on your lap, they purr and often fall asleep if you groom them – which they will absolutely love.
Guinea Pig
Hedgehogs are available in white or light brown to many shades of black in addition to several shades found in bands along their quills. Their belly, face and nec are covered in coarse hair. Some hedgehogs have a dark drown or black mask across their eyes. These little critters have a rather small, yet powerful legs and big feet with five toes each. The exception here is the four-toed hedgehog that has – you guessed it – four toes. They are amazing diggers as a result because of their curved claws. A long snout and a wet nose provides an excellent sense of small. Their ears are large compared to body to their body size and spiky little creatures a good sense of hearing.
Hedge Hog
Rabbits make for rewarding animals for both adults and supervised older children but are not suitable for younger kids. They’re naturally sociable, intelligent an inquisitive and can become friendly and confident around people when gently handled from a young age, although they do not naturally enjoy being cuddled. Your pet rabbit will require loving, caring and patient owners who are prepared to spend plenty of time with him and provide lots of space and opportunities for play. The live for eight to twelve years and require a long-term commitment.
Here at Petware House, we carry a very cute array of Siberian Hamsters and hamster-related goods and accessories. Owning and caring for a pet hamster can be a very rewarding experience, but its also a big responsibility and a long-term commitment in terms of care. If you own are responsible for a hamster, even on a temporary basis, be gentle with it as they are fragile little creatures.
Siberian Hamster
Are you looking for that perfect Gerbil pet? They are extremely sociable and don’t enjoy being on their own, unlike the Syrian hamster. We highly suggest picking up Gerbils in pairs as solitary gerbils have been shown to live shorter life spans, are generally unhealthier, overweight and very unhappy. In addition more difficult to tame and a lot less friendly in general. Even if your pet Gerbil has human companionship, it’s not enough to compensate for the fact that will have to sleep on their own, eat alone and have nobody to groom them. As a result, a companion is vital.
A hamster is often a child’s first pet. They are typically very quiet, gentle, small and quite easy to care for. There are several types of Hamsters such as the Syrian which is used to describe color verities or the Golden Hamster which refers to the wild-type coat. Teddy-bear hamsters are members of the same species, but have long-haired coats. A hamster can provide plenty of entertainment and smiles for you and your kids. Keeping a hamster as a pet can teach children responsibilities and respect for other living creatures, and can remind us all that a simple live can be a happy one.
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When most of us think about pet mice, the majority will think “white mice”, but in fact there are well over forty varieties. Quality, exhibition mice, which are the “through-breds” of the mouse world, can be found in fascinating shades such as Sable or Pearl, Cinnamon or Himalayan, Blue or Silver. They are as far withdrawn from the common house mouse as a racehorse is from a dartmoor pony. Most pet shop mice are somewhere in the middle – often they are white, or piebald, or brown. You may hear the term “fancy mice” which is an old term meaning “hobby” epically when applied to animals.
These days you may find it tricky to find mice in a pet shop at all considering mice are not as popular as rabbits or guinea pigs. Petware House is pleased to have some very beautiful mice and best of all, they take up very little space and are cheap to feed. Mice will sit on your hand, wash themselves, and generally explore. They make excellent pets.
Once you have decided that a pet rat is for you, be sure to visit us here at Petware House. We can equip you with your first pet rat and all the accessories. Remember that purchasing a new pet should never be an impulsive act, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you should any questions and we will be pleased to assist you.
The Ferret is a truly unique and quirky little pet. Though domesticated for millennia, it has only been popular for the past thirty or so years. Many individuals confuse the ferret with the rodent family, but they are actually members of the carnivores mustelid family, and alongside otters, weasels, minks, badgers, and wolverines. Many Ferret owners would describe this pet as being an endless source of entertainment. Ferrets are also very loyal and will eventually bond with you. Petware House is well known throughout Indiana and neighboring states for our wide selection of healthy pets and our dedication to these animals. Don’t hesitate to visit our showroom or take home a great companion, today.
The Sugar Glider is an extremely popular and fun pet. They are docile and loyal pets. They immensely enjoy the company of people and are very social as a result, they are kept often kept as pets. The Sugar Glider is a small marsupial which is typically found in Australia, Tasmania, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, but it does prefer the forests of Acacia and Eucalyptus. The name Sugar Glider is derived from the fact that they love to eat sugar. Don’t hesitate to visit our showroom and have a glimpse at Sugar Gliders and our other small pets. We are sure you will find a suitable pet for your home and family. Don’t hesitate to learn more about the Sugar Glider, by clicking on the button below.
Sugar Glider
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