Welcome to Petware House movie clip collection. We are thrilled to provide our viewers with, staff produced, short movie clips, for your viewing pleasure. Our short movie clips are filmed right here at our store and are made available as soon as possible. Your welcome to request your own video and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for information.
Feeding Our Green Moray
The green moray is typically found along the Atlantic Ocean corridor as far north as New Jersey, south to Bermuda and along the northern Gulf of Mexico southward towards Brazil. Contrary to popular belief, the Green Eel is actually brown! The yellow tint of mucus combined with it’s brad color produces its namesake green color.
Wikipedia has some excellent information regarding the
Green Moray
Clown Fish
We have Fort Worth largest selection of Clown Fish including designer morphs and standard colors. Why find Nimo when you can buy one?
Wish to Learn more about this specie? Visit Wikipeida to learn more about the
Clownfish or
Pom Pom Crab
Also known as a Boxer crab. This specie can be found in parts of the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean.
Wikipedia has some great information regarding the
Lybia tessellata on it's webite
Learn More About Petware House
Forty thousand years ago, ancient man and the ancestors of modern, domesticated dogs shared the same space, contrary to what scientists initially believed. Today, dogs of all shapes and sizes share our homes, lives and have become an integral part of the family and a wonderful companion. Petware House offers a variety of healthy puppies, from top breeders, ready to meet your family and be adopted into a loving, caring environment.
Learn More About our Puppies
Here's a few interesting facts about cat's:
Fact one: Cats are America's most popular pet: 88 million cats Vs. 74 million dogs
Fact two: Cats have 32 muscles that control the outer-ear while humans have only six
Fact three: Adult carts only meow to communicate with humans
Now that we’ve given you some straight facts on cats, isn’t it time to take one home today? While your cat won’t encourage you for exercise by begging to go out for a stroll, many years of research has found that a cat’s purr can actually lower your blood pressure and reduce stress levels.
Learn More About our Kittens

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Murphy Look'n For a Bone
That's right. All our animals earn their keep. In this case, Murhy lost his, well, temporarily at least.
Learn More About Our Tropical Fish
Big Green Eel
Kitten Tumble
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