What Not to Feed
Animal protein of any kind
*Animal protein of any kind (cat or dog food, meat, cheese, insects, monkey biscuits etc.): Iguanas are obligate herbivores. Their bodies physically cannot process animal proteins. Feeding animal proteins puts a huge strain on the kidneys and liver and lead to an early death from liver or kidney failure.
Spinach and parsley
*Spinach and parsley: They are very high in oxalates. Oxalates bind calcium your iguana needs for strong bones.
Kale and broccoli
*Kale and broccoli: These are two major goitrogens that can lead to thyroid problems if fed too much. A little bit in moderation is okay, but it should not be a stable.
*Tofu: High in fat and too much is not good for iguana health. A little in moderation is okay.
None of any kind. They have almost zero nutrition, and often iguanas will stop eating everything else and hold out for lettuce.
Solar Drops / UVB Drops
Availalbe Documents
These are one of the biggest scams on the market. Iguanas cannot process dietary D3. They can only synthesize it with the help of UVB. It will also cause liver and kidneys to work overtime to process out all the D3 since the body cannot use it

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