The Uromastyx lizard can be found in a wide-are a of the Middle East and the northern half of Africa. They and thrive in very arid regions where temperatures are often one hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit. The Uromastyx is right at home in the rocky outcropping and deep burrows dug into the ground.
Well known for a bulky body, triangular head and large tail, the Uromastyx is a very distinct reptile. The tail has large spiekes from its base to the tip, the spiked tail looks more dangerous than it really is and most uromastyx tail spikes are not sharp. Depending on where you are from, these reptiles have several names including the dab lizard, uros or spiny-tailed lizards.
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The Uromaxtyx is a docile, relatively easy to care for entertaining and fun to observe. They are great lizards to keep as pets and are reasonably inexpensive to keep. You will likely spend more on a habitit than the original purchase of your pet. Feeding your pet is fairly straight forward as well as most of the food required can be acquired at the local grocery store.
The most common Uromastyx sold as pets the Dispar Maliensis, commonly known as the Mali Uromastyx. They typically have yellow highlights and are of a brownish color. The males are often much more
colorful than females. A male can have very bright yellow coloring as well as a black head and legs. This specie can usually grow to be around fourteen to sixteen inches in length.
The most common Uromastyx sold as pets the Dispar Maliensis, commonly known as the Mali Uromastyx. They typically have yellow highlights and are of a brownish color. The males are often much more
colorful than females. A male can have very bright yellow coloring as well as a black head and legs. This specie can usually grow to be around fourteen to sixteen inches in length.
We’ve captivated a variety of the Uromaxtyx including the Ornate and Ocellated. They do vary in coloring and size and have a comparable take to Mali Uromastyx. Though different in appearance, they all have similar dietary requirements and habitat. No matter what type of Uromastryx you get as a pet, they can be an exciting addition to your home.
The trade involving the Uromastyx is a regulated activity, but not necessarily prohibited. Some countries will allow exports and some will not, but the number of permitted are in the tens of thousands every year.
Here at Petware House we will provide you with all the help you need when it comes helping you make the best decision and choice. We import, breed and have a local supply of Uromastyx breeders, right here in Fort Wayne. All other things being equal, captive-bred animals are favoured as they tend to be free from parasites and accustomed to a captive diet and cage constraints and are less frightened by common household activities. You can count on Petware House for a health Uromastyx as know well of the gene source in most circumstances and history of the animal.
The trade involving the Uromastyx is a regulated activity, but not necessarily prohibited. Some countries will allow exports and some will not, but the number of permitted are in the tens of thousands every year.
Here at Petware House we will provide you with all the help you need when it comes helping you make the best decision and choice. We import, breed and have a local supply of Uromastyx breeders, right here in Fort Wayne. All other things being equal, captive-bred animals are favoured as they tend to be free from parasites and accustomed to a captive diet and cage constraints and are less frightened by common household activities. You can count on Petware House for a health Uromastyx as know well of the gene source in most circumstances and history of the animal.
As with any lizard and substrate, it will be necessary, unfortunately, to compromise between suitability and safety for the reptile, economy and weight, convenience and so on. Some uromastyx keepers prefer the simplicity in an a couple of inches of natural sand, with most of the cage floor occupied by various basking and climbing points.
A commonly used substrate item is washed play sand as it’s inexpensive and easily cleaned with a scoop. Although some people have used it for many years without an issue, others have reported that its usage has resulted in stomach impactions. Also, avoid using any sharp-edged sand which is intended for sandblasting or is a by-product of industry.
Many reptile keepers also report good results from using small seed, such as millet, as a substrate for their uromastyx lizards. Substrates based on walnut shells or absorbent materials like wood shaving or paper mulch, have been implicated in impaction problems and I avoid them. Proper presentation of foods, such as placing them on dishes on top of substrate, will go a long way toward preventing ingestion of substrate.
What you choose for a substrate will ultimately be up to you. But if it’s a dry substrate, consider adding a sizeable burrow box to the cooler end of your enclosure. This will simulate a more natural retreat for your pet. Ensure the burrow box is several times larger than your pet and that the entry point is about the same width as your pet. Allow your burrow box to be as natural as possible and add lightly moistened substrate or create a mix of good moisture retention by items such as clay, topsoil and vermiculite. A good mix will also support the holes dug in it by the Uromastyx.

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You will find most adult romastyx are typically between ten and eighteen inches in length with one particular specie, the Egyptian Uromastyx to be thirty inches or more in length. Hatchlings can measure a mere three to four inches in length.
It's difficult to estimate normal life span of uromastyx lizards in captivity because until recently most of the information available was from imported lizards that started their captive life at an unknown age. Maximum longevity records exceed 30 years, but it appears 15 years is more typical. Data indicates that U. Aegyptius, the largest of the genus, also has the longest life span. Field studies show that hatchling uromastyx grow to full size in about 4 years in the wild.
The uromastyx habit will require a fairly large temperature gradient and should be of a respectable size to accommodate and support its lifestyle. While a large variety of cages exist, most keepers choose to build their own from wood or melamine. The cage construction should be sufficient enough to hold the appropriate substrate, furnishings, and be able to safely handle high temperatures and intense lighting needs as well as offer adequate ventilation.
We do suggest you use a rough guideline for minimum cage sizes for keeping a single adult lizard. Regardless of dimensions, proper temperature gradient the cage is inadequate.
For a lizard under 10 inches – 3 feet by 1 foot
For a lizard 10 to 15 inches – 4 feet by 1 ½ feet
For a lizard More than 15 inches – 6 feet by 2 feet
The cage height and lid style will be largely determined by your choice of lighting and heating.
Keep in mind that bigger is always a better idea. A larger cage is more forgiving of temperatures and other potential problems.
Uromastyx Care Sheet
Uromastyx require opportunity to thermoregulate, or to adjust their body temperature which is a critical to their overall health and wellbeing. A cool uromastyx lizard will typically has a darker, drab coloration, which absorbs radiant solar hear more quickly. As the uromaxtyx basks in the morning sunlight, its boy temperature will rise, considerably, which is required for activity and digestion. They Uromaxtyx will periodically require a shade to avoid overheating
A source of bright hot lighting is also necessary to stimulate normal uromastyx feeding and digestion. Generally, your goals should be to have a brightly lit enclosure with a gradual temperature gradient from eighty to one hundred degrees Fahrenheit and basking zones of 120 degrees or more.
We create a heat gradient in your pet’s enclosure by using an arrangement making us of cooler florescent lights and hotter incandescent basking lights. Interesting cage designs make use of various levels on rocks and branches whereby the varying distances from the heat source will essentially create different temperature zones.
We don’t suggest guessing at the temperature you’ve created, but instead use a reliable, well-placed thermometer. Digital and infrared thermometers have become an inexpensive item. We highly recommend using two well placed thermometers, one at each end, to help gauge temperature gradients.
Your pet Uromastyx will eat happily eat a variety of green plants which include collard greens, dandelion greens, mustard, turnip greens escarole, spring mixes, endive, and radicchio in addition to several other plants. We do advise to keep plans such as spinach to a minimum as a result of calcium-blocking oxalates.
Plants need to be prepared before being feed to your pet. Ensure the items are rinsed under a tap and chop up each item for arrangement such as that of a mixed salad. Place your food items in a shallow dish so that your pet can see the food. Do not place your pet food directly under the basking area or else you may potentially remove moisture from the food.
Some preferred food for the Uromastyx includes seeds such as dry lentils, bird seed mixes with safflower, grass seeds and so on. Avoid feeding your pet any sunflower seeds as the shells may cause damage internally. Here at Petwarehouse we carry a wide-variety of food and manufactured pellets for your pet, so don’t hesitate visit Petware House for all of your lizard needs.
Maintaining your Uromastyx diet is important. Diets must have a calcium to phosphorus that’s greater than one. As a result, it’s will be necessary to use a light dusting of calcium supplement weekly, and an even smaller amount of multivitamin powder. If you require any assistance or need some general guidance regarding your pet’s diet or health, don’t hesitate to reach out to Petware House. We will be pleased to offer you assistance and rest assured that we carry a wide-variety of items for your pet.
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