As you might have noticed, the skink has very small legs and its texture appears to look more like a snake than a Lizard. The skink’s head also sits slightly above the ground and pointed upwards. Rest assured though that it might appear snake-like, it’s not a snake at all.
Skinks also have a long tapered tail. At various points through it’s life-time, it will shed and eventually grow back again. Most people will confuse the skink for a snake during this time period. The skink can range in size from a couple of centimeters to several feet. If depends on the location, where they live and of course, the sub species.
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The Skink loves to spend a great deal of time running up and down trees and just taking it easy. If they could a Skink could spend their entire lives there if possible. If however, they are struggling to find food or shelter, they may go the ground through if they are struggling to find shelter or food. However, there are also a sub specie of the Skink that would rather borrow for protection rather than spending their time in the trees.
Skinks are a rather timid creature, but they do very well in captivity. There also happens to be a number of sub-species of kink which do quite well as pets and are very common. It is however, extreamly important to make sure that you have the right setup for your pet. This includes the habitat, correct temperatures for it’s basking area and proper food to feed it. Let Petware House be of assistance if should need any of these items.
The Skink loves to feed on various insects which include the crickets, beetles, caterpillar and more. Use caution when feeding them anything found in your yard as they may be a potential health risk for your pet Skink. At times, the Skink will also feed on small rodents and even other species of small lizards. Ultimately, it depends on their habitat and other foods available.
The female Skink provides for no maternal instinct at birth. She will carry them in her body until she is ready to give birth and once out, they are on their own to forge for food and shelter.
Most species of Lizard will lay a number of eggs and will create a nest
where the eggs can be warmed, and of course, to keep them away from
predators. It’s not uncommon to find nests with just a few eggs and at
times, up to one hundred eggs. Incubation lasts a few weeks to a couple
of months.

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Skin’s are adorable creatures. Have you ever seen a five-lined skink? If you have, you’ll know where we are going here.
The five-lined skink, which looks a bit like a salamander, is the only lizard species native to North America. And while we
don’t know a lot about the skink and what they do on a daily basis, researchers continue to study them.
We have complied some interesting Skink facts below, for your reading convenience.
1. You will find Skinks along the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence region and along the Lake Eric shoreline. They commonly live under rocks, fallen trees and leaves.
2. Similar to frogs, Skinks travel through life alone, getting together only when its time to mate in May and June. Females lay up to a dozen eggs, in a
nest she eventually builds, under rocks or logs. But that’s as maternal as she get! When the baby skinks hatch about a month later,, they’re on their
own to forage for food and avoid predators.
3. Similar to frogs, Skinks travel through life alone, getting together only when its time to mate in May and June. Females lay up to a dozen eggs, in a
nest she eventually builds, under rocks or logs. But that’s as maternal as she get! When the baby skinks hatch about a month later,, they’re on their
own to forage for food and avoid predators.
4. Skinks start off life with a bright metallic blue tail and dark body with five light-colored stripes that run from their snout to their tail.
As they age, their tail and body fades to brown-grey. They grow to about twenty centimeters in length.
5. Skinks, have many natural enemies, such as the fox, raccoons, snakes and various birds of prey. However, if a predator catches a skink by the
tail, the tail will break off and trash about. This distracts the predator, allowing the skink to escape. Eventually, a new tail will re-grow over time, but never as long as it was.
The Skink can be found in many regions of the word, from the tropics to temperature zones, this specie has demonstrated its ability to live and adapt to many environments. A couple of regions where they cannot be found is the artic or boreal climates.
As with a number of other species, some types of Skink are abundant while over the years others have become rare and endangered species.
The Skink is somewhat distinct from Lizards in that their short legs inhibit movement, with some appearing as though they are slithering along like snakes. But similar to other reptiles, days are spend scurrying around after food or sunbathing, while night time is for cooling down and resting.
Skinks feast on all types of insects and sometimes small lizards and rodents. Vegetarians do exist among them too and they are either oviparous or viviparous, depending on the species.
Skinks are sun loving reptiles and while enjoy the tan, they like to keep busy. As a result, an appropriate sized tank with a secure top is best to keep your critter happy. Don’t forget the substrate, a hollowed log, cave or box for hiding and your all set.
You will need a shallow dish and daily fresh water. The skink’s legs are quite small and a shallow dish will help the Skink quench it’s thirst in a snap. Be sure your water is non-chlorinated. Don’t forget to moisten the environment and keep it moist and humid. Its not a forest fire, it’s just a mist.
Be sure clean out your Skins’s habitat out once a week with an approved solution. We carry lot’s of great cleaning products for animals right here at Petware House. Be sure to thoroughly rinse your tank when your done and to ensure that no harmful residue remain in the tank. Once your done, wash and rinse your hands with a good anti-bacterial handwash after handling your pet or it’s enclosure.
Have insects? Good. The Skinks love insects. As a matter of fact, they thrive on crickets, mealworms, meat and vegetables. Be sure to dust your Skink’s food with vitamin/mineral supplement to ensure health and vitality. These items can be purchased, right here at Petware House, so don’t hesitate to drop by our store and we will be pleased to help.
Skink Care Sheet
A Skink’s average life expectancy – as a rule of thumb – is generally based on how long they are. The longer the Skink, the greater its life expectancy is. But it also depends on the specie, but anything from five to twenty years or above.
Size: Again, it’s relative to the type of species – the Little Brown Skink ranges from three to five inches, while the Solomon Island Skink can achieve thirty two or more inches.
Skinks can survive in various climates by living different lifestyles. Most species are arboreal (spend their life in trees), some of them are terrestrial (spend their life on the ground) or aquatic (spend their life near or in the water).
Color of the skink body resembles the color of their environment. They can easily blend in the environment and hide from the predators if they remain motionless.
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