Tree Frogs are largely nocturnal but will expose themselves to sunlight or ultra violet light. Studies have suggest Frogs that don’t get enough light often develop deformed or stunned growth.
Frogs as well as other species have a high UV requirement and need lighting in the 250nm – 400nm range. While several options exist, some are quite expensive and too powerful for a small tank. As an example, Metal halide lights are exceptional for plant growth and emit light of the correct wavelength, but under some scenarios, it may be too powerful. Not all metal halide lamps emit light of the correct wavelength so seek further advice from those who use these lights, or contact us here at Petware House and we will be pleased to provide you with advice and the best possible solutions.
Although there are several types of fluorescent lights that are now being sold as full-spectrum lighting, most do not emit UV lighting or do so for a very short periods of time.
The most cost effective lighting is to use a dual fitting. Mount one side of the fitting with a full-spectrum florescent tube (e.g. Grlous, Biolux, etc) for plant growth and the other side with a blacklight or UV florescent tube.
The most cost effective lighting is to use a dual fitting. Mount one side of the fitting with a full-spectrum florescent tube (e.g. Grlous, Biolux, etc) for plant growth and the other side with a blacklight or UV florescent tube.
While many types of UV tubes are in existence, those which are white or near white when powered down and which glow a pale blue, when powered up emit light in the right spectrum. At all costs, avoid using lights which are dark blue when switched off, or which cause white colors to fluoresce, or emit no visible light when turned on.
Be sure to replace fluorescent tubes every eighteen to twenty-four months, even if they are still working, as their output diminishes, which will render them useless. It’s highly suggested florescent fittings be approximately 40cm from the tank floor as the UV emitted will only penetrate this far.

In nature most frogs diet will be completely insectivorous. As a result, in captivity avoid using any substitute food in whole or in part of your frogs diet. The most common issue we’ve seen in frogs are directly related to the lack of calcium or too much protein in the diet. For a proper diet, a calcium and multivitamin powder should be mixed and dusted on any food prior to feeding. Simply place your Frog’s insectivores in a small plastic bag, spring in a calcium and multivitamin powder mix and shake the bag until its all well coated. Do this for at least fifty percent of the food you feed your frog to help avoid and calcium deficiency.
It’s not necessary to mix large quantities of calcium and multivitamin powder as the mixture will not store well after mixing as the calcium can denature the vitamins. Keep in mind that frogs have not evolved to cope well with a diet high in protein and the tendency to feed them young mice or strips of meat put extra strain on the frogs organs, most notably, the kidneys. Inappropriate diets will lead to gout, irreversible kidney damage and ultimately, death.
We’ve all heard that variety if the spice of life and frogs know this all too well. Be sure to supply your frog with a variety of invertebrates and insects and you should have few diet problems. Younger frogs will enjoy eating flies, moths, small crickets, roaches and will should have food available at all times.
Young frogs typically reach breeding size in eight to twelve months. Adults will eat just about anything that moves and can be conveniently placed in the mouth, they should be offered about ten to twenty percent of their own body size, evenly divided over two or three feedings each week.
During colder months, or when our tank temperatures are reduced, your frogs will need less food. It will be important to increase and reduce food in both quantity and frequency with the changing temperatures of your enclosure. Remove drowned insects so as not to foul the water, or feed your grogs individually by holding the insects on tweezers.

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