Named after their natural defensive behavior, Ball Pythons tend to curl up into a ball with their head toward the center of the ball when threatened.
Ball Pythons are very social creatures. They can be easily handled and are quiet docile, with proper socialization.
Ball Pythons, were also called “Royal Pythons” as ancient royalty wore them as jewelry.
Ball Pythons are all unique creatures and no two are alike. They all have their own beautiful and unique skin patterns.
Ball Pythons are much smaller than other species of Python. Growing and average length of only three to five feet.
Ball Pythons live a very long time. The average Ball Python will live twenty to thirty years and the longest living Ball Python on record lived forty-five years, in captivity.
Ball pythons generally lay clutches of two to 10 eggs at a time with an average clutch size of six eggs.
During incubation, the mother will coil around her eggs until they ready to hatch. The incubation process can last anywhere from eighty to one-hundred-five days.
Baby ball pythons are called hatchlings.
A healthy baby python generally range anywhere from fourteen to seventeen inches in length.
Baby hatchlings have very bright colors and patterns that tend to slightly fade as they age.
There are now dozens of different varieties of ball pythons available including pastel, spider, pinstripe and more.

Once you get home with your new pet, allow it to become accustom to its new environment for a couple of weeks. To begin, start your baby Gecko with a single, pre-killed one week to ten day old mouse. Smaller babies will require a smaller mouse. Older Ball Pythons may be fed larger pre-killed mice or even pinkie rats. At times, you may have to force feed your snake which will be a very stressful situation for your lizard. Take a few moments and watch someone else perform this exercise and learn from the experience. If your Gecko has gone lengthy periods without eating, and weight loss is apparent, to it to a vet or contact someone who has more knowledge about ball pythons and feeding problems.

As with any pet, routine veterinary care for newly acquired snakes is always essential. Many parasites infesting the ball python and other reptiles may also be transmitted to humans and other reptiles. Infestations can of course harm and even kill your snake. Collect a small sample when the snake first defecates and place it into a clear plastic bag and seal it. Mark it with the date, your phone number, name and the snakes name and have a vet experienced with reptiles examine the sample. There will be tests conducted and if needed proper medication given if the worms or protozoan infections are found
Found commonly in captive ball pythons are retained eye shed, also referred to spectacles and mites. When a ball pithing sheds, or any snake for that matter, the layer of skin over their eye is also she, and can be clearly seen when examining a piece of head shed. Be consistent when checking your balls head shed to assure it has shed the spectacles. If one or both spectacles have been retained, bath your snake in warm water for about five to ten minutes. Before returning it to the enclosure, please a dad of mineral oil on that eye with a cotton-tipped swab. The spectacle should come off with in a day. If this doesn’t work, then you may want to seek the services of a veteran.
Mites are commonly related to poor environment conditions. Adult mites are tiny reddish brown dots which can be difficult to find. You may notice one or more crawling up your hand and arm shortly after handling your snake, and while not dangerous to humans, the will often cluster around your snakes eyes and body. Mites are harmful to snakes, particularly those that have not been kept properly. Fortunately, they are easy and inexpensive to get rid of, but can be a time consuming process.
A common, health snake shed is in the form of one piece of skin from snout to tail-tip. If a snake does not shed cleanly, its typically a sign that something is not right. Either with your snake or its environment. A new snake, may not shed properly for the first month or two as they are likely still getting accustom to their new surroundings. This is commonly known as a sign of transient stress. If this continues, or becomes an issue with an older snake, then the specie must be evaluated for possible health problems and the animals environment needs to be evaluated for humidity issues.

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