Ferrets are affectionate, intelligent small animals that love to play and explore. They are known for their happy, inquisitive nature and humorous behavior.
If given daily exercise and attention, they make wonderful family companions. Ferrets have scent glands that produce a musky smell.
Average Size
15 inches in length.
Life Span
Up to 8 years with proper care.
Food and fresh water should always be available as well as small servings of treats. All food given to ferrets 9 months or younger should be moistened for easy consumption.
Use a High-quality ferret food containing a minimum of 20% fat and 34% animal protein and a maximum of 4% fiber. Feed small amounts of fatty acid supplements for a healthy coat and overall good health. Do not feed ferrets dairy products, chocolate, sugary foods and beverages, caffeine, alcohol, salty foods, seed or nuts; these can be deadly.
Always use clean, fresh, filtered, chlorine-free water; changed daily.
Ferrets need large, multi-tiered wire habitats with good ventilation, a secure door and a pullout tray for easy cleaning; openings between wires should be small so that the habitat is escape-proof; habitat should also include a hammock, tube, litter box and toys.
1-2 inches of bedding should be placed in the habitat; proper bedding includes shavings and pelleted or recycled products; cedar bedding may cause harm and is not recommended.
Change bedding at least once a week or as necessary and wash all other items in the habitat. Clean the habitat at least every week by scrubbing it with mild soap and water, rinse and allow to dry before putting the ferret back into the habitat.
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Ferrets acclimate well to average household temperatures; be cautious of extreme temperature change; habitat should never be in direct sunlight or in a drafty area
No special requirements.
Water & Accessories
Use a side attached sipper bottle for drinking. Also house the animal in a large, multi-tiered cage. Include toys, litter box, food bowl, bedding, treats and a hammock.
Not recommended due to health risks.
Notes and Comments
Ferrets are intelligent, playful and mischievous. They love to dig, so be careful with house plants. Nipping is natural behavior to get attention or show defensiveness when awakened. They also love to gather and hide household items.
Regular baths are recommended, using ferret shampoo. Nails should be cut every two to three weeks. Outer ears should be cleaned using a cotton swab and ear cleaning solution.
Ferrets shed their coats twice a year.
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