The pet rat, a descendant of the wild brown rat, is still a relatively new pet, compared to most species. Although found throughout most of the planet, humans have held them in captivity and bred them for the past one hundred years – a small time frame compared to many of the pet species. The pet rat, a descendant of the wild brown rat, is still a relatively new pet, compared to most species. Although found throughout most of the planet, humans have held them in captivity and bred them for the past one hundred years – a small time frame compared to many of the pet species. Rats are much less fearful than their wild cousins, and when handled gently, the will learn relatively quick. They will also enjoy riding the arm or shoulders of their human friends and can even be found sleeping on their laps.
Rats will typically range from about fourteen to eighteen inches long which includes a tail of about six or seven inches, by the time they reach adult hood. A well cared for rat cant live a number of years and come in a variety of coat types and colors, from curly and shiny to black, white and even black-and-white color mixes.
Rats are inquisitive, intelligent and always up for some activity or another. We do suggest this pet for kids but only under the supervision of an adult. As you would with any pet, it must be treated with respect and kindness.
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When most people think of the rat, especially as a pet, they quiver. However, a domesticated Rat actually makes a great pet and they are not aggressive, diseased and dirty animals as you might think or have seen portrayed in Hollywood blockbuster films. Believe it or not, but the rat is that rats are quite clean, fun, sensitive, social and very affectionate.
This species enjoys interacting with people and needs to be handled daily, if only for a few moments. They are also intelligent and can be taught simple tricks such as sit or stay and will often even learn their own names. It will take a little effort but you can teach them to become litter box trained as well.
This species enjoys interacting with people and needs to be handled daily, if only for a few moments. They are also intelligent and can be taught simple tricks such as sit or stay and will often even learn their own names. It will take a little effort but you can teach them to become litter box trained as well.
Rats get along very well with children but they should be though a few simple rules such as not poking at the rat cage and handling the rat with care and not to squeeze the animal. This may result in the rat biting your child.
Social Rats can become bored rather quickly and it’s a good idea to have more than one rat so they may be of company to each other. Despite the fact that two will add to your schedule, two rats will be much more entertaining to watch and will take a load of stress off of you as they can entertain each other.
When keeping multiple rats it’s a typically a good idea to have them in male/male or female/female pairs or have them spayed / neutered to avoid any unwanted breeding. If however the rats become to aggressive towards each other, it’s best to keep them separated and apart.
When choosing a pet rat, ensure you don’t choose one that appears to be skittish or does not squeal when picked up. Check the condition of his fur, ensure his or her eyes are clear which will help determine health. Female rats can become pregnant as young as five weeks old, so ensure males and females were separated at an early stage so you don’t end up with an entire family of rats down the road.
Toys and accessories are a requirement and can be provided for your rat Items scuh as tubes, hammocks, fruit tree branches, paper towel and toilet paper rolls, plant pots are suggested. Anything else that can be provided for your rats enjoyment will be appreciated by your pet. Keep in mind that they will chew whatever it is you give them.

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We don’t suggest keeping your rats in outdoor spaces such as a garage or a shed. You may use an aquarium but it might not suffice as a result of proper air flow and ventilation. In general, when looking for a cage for your rat, we suggest that a larger-size cage is always better for your pet. We here at Petware House carry many cages that are perfect for your pet. For your pet rat, consider a cage such as one designed for a gerbil or hamster. Rats need more square footage than a hamster or a gerbil. When trying to choose a proper bedding solution, consider shredded paper, cardboard, hay, straw, help or paper based cat litters. We don’t suggest using wood pine or cedar wood chips as fumes from these beddings can cause respiratory damage.

You will need to ensure that your pet rat has a fresh supply of water on hand. Use a gravity-driven, hung bottle for this purpose. We here at Petware House carry a number of these items here in store, so don’t hesitate to visit us here Petware House. Your pet rat will eat almost anything, but ensure it receives a healthy, balanced diet. Foods can include cereals, fruits, breads, vegetables, meats, cat food, dog food and table scraps. You can also buy and use treats for your rat – we have a vast collection of rat treats here at Petware House to choose from.
Of particular interest to the Rat’s pallet is peas, grapes, bananas, broccoli, sweet corn, chicken, meat, eggs, yogurt, bones and fish. Be sure you feed them a well-balanced diet as mentioned previously. Younger rats will need more protein then older rats.
All pets under our care require exercise for the health and well-being. If you have space in your home, allow it to roam around In an area that has been rat proofed. Remember that a rat will chew on almost anything so it’s important that if you do provide roaming space, that the area be free from chewable items. Keep in mind that the rat will mark it’s territory so its also a good idea to cover your furniture or carpet area where the rat is with a blanket while he or she is roaming free.
Rat Care Pet Sheet
Maintaining your pet and his or her environment is a fairly simple process, which needs to be accomplished at least once every three or four days. If you don’t your pet will not be happy. Cages will need to be cleaned and waste matter removed. Keeping a small carrier for your pet is also a good idea when cleaning out his cage or taking him to the vet.
Contrary to popular belief, the rat is a very clean species. Be sure to help your pet along be cleaning out his or her environment periodically. Ensure the old bedding removed and replaced and help remove poo and old food that may be left over, otherwise your pet won’t be able to keep up on its personal hygiene.
If your pet gets sick or dirty he may need some help. Place him in a location of your home without any drafts. Add a two or three drops of baby shampoo or pet shampoo into a shallow dish of warm water. Be sure the water is not too hot, but luke-warm. Attempt to bathe him with a washcloth dampened in the soapy water first. If that isn’t enough, you’ll have to carefully bathe your pet. He or she may panic so be prepared for him or her. Once completed, dry him off and offer him some pet treats.
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