Rabbits are intelligent, affectionate and social animals that need daily interaction
with humans or other rabbits. However, chewing is a rabbit’s favorite hobby, so
make sure you home is rabbit proofed. Rabbits should be spayed or neutered by
a veterinarian, which helps them live longer and become better companions.
Average Size
The average size of a rabbit is 12 inches in length.
Life Span
Up to 10+ years.
Fresh food and water should always be available. Small amounts of vegetables and fruits can be given daily, such as pears, grapes, strawberries, dates, raisins, sprouts and carrots. Vegetable and fruits not eaten within 24 hours should be thrown away.
Many house plants are toxic and a rabbit should not eat grass treated with pesticides.
Use a High quality rabbit food containing a minimum of 12-16% protein and 2% fat and a maximum of 20% fiber.
Treats should not exceed 10% of total food intake. Do not feed chocolate, alcohol or caffeine; these are dangerous. Use clean, fresh, de-chlorinated water changed daily.
Rabbits acclimate well to average household temperatures; be cautious of extreme temperature change; habitat should never be in direct sunlight or in a drafty area. Habitats should be at least four times the size of the rabbit, escape proof with an area that has a solid surface; it is best to provide the largest habitat possible. Use baby gates or an indoor play yard during play time, while house training or if your house is not bunny proof.
1-2 inches of bedding should be placed in the habitat; proper bedding includes shavings and pelleted or recycled product; cedar-based bedding may cause harm and is not recommended.
Rabbits can be trained to use a litter box. Different types of small animals should not be housed together.
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Remove wet spots daily; change bedding weekly or more often if needed and wash all items in the habitat. Clean the habitat once a week by scrubbing it with mild soap and water, rinse and allow to completely dry to minimize fumes before placing mice back into the habitat.
Stable room temperature is adequate. No special requirements.
No special requirements
Use room lighting as needed.
Water & Accessories
Rabbits should be given a sipper bottle, hung from the side of the cage. They also need small toys to play with. Keep a food bowl and chew stick as well.
Keep buck and does separate. Three or four does can be kept together in an appropriate-size hutch.
Use 1 buck per 10 does.
Breed does at their maturity - 6 months of age for small to medium breeds and 9 to 12 months of age for large or giant breeds.
Weaning age is around 8 weeks.
Pick the doe to be bred and place her in her own hutch for two weeks before mating.
Place the doe in the buck's pen for mating. Place her with the buck twice - once in the evening and again in the morning.
Remove the doe after each mating.
Place a nest box in the hutch 28 days after breeding.
The gestation period is about 32 days.
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