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Native to the Southeast Asian mainland and Indo-Australia the Water Dragons are imported to North America. Males typically reach three feet with the females slightly smaller. The Water Dragon males develop larger heads, jowls and crest on the back of the neck and their femoral pores somewhat larger when compared to the female.

Ensure you have a vet check your new animal for internal and external parasites as soon as possible. It will be helpful to have some fecal matter for your vet so he or she can check for internal or external parasites. Your vet will also check for hydration, nutritional stats and overall health.

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The Chinese Water Dragon primary color will range in shades of green, from a very light green to a dark green. Their bellies are a pale yellow or white and their throats can be very colorful ranging from a peach, yellow or orange color. The tail is banded and narrow with a brown and green coloration. The distinguishing factor between a male and female is the that male has a larger head and develop larger crests on the back of the head and neck.

Petware House

Adult Water Dragons need rather large enclosures and a minimum suggested cage length of six feet long and two to three feet deep, by five to six feet tall. While there are many cages on the market, a custom made cage is always ideal. Unless you are certain that dragons are accurately sexed, you might be better off with just one – a female and male pair will likely get along, males and even two females may display aggression unless given lots of space in a very large enclosure.

Petware House

Adult Water Dragons need rather large enclosures and a minimum suggested cage length of six feet long and two to three feet deep, by five to six feet tall. While there are many cages on the market, a custom made cage is always ideal. Unless you are certain that dragons are accurately sexed, you might be better off with just one – a female and male pair will likely get along, males and even two females may display aggression unless given lots of space in a very large enclosure.

Petware House

Adult Water Dragons need rather large enclosures and a minimum suggested cage length of six feet long and two to three feet deep, by five to six feet tall. While there are many cages on the market, a custom made cage is always ideal. Unless you are certain that dragons are accurately sexed, you might be better off with just one – a female and male pair will likely get along, males and even two females may display aggression unless given lots of space in a very large enclosure.

Petware House

Most people would equate the Iguana as a friendly lizard, however, the Chinese Water Dragon is much more friendly than the Iguana. They love being handled and actually require regular handling to prevent them from becoming aggressive. If a Chinese Water Dragon feels threatened or is scared, it may lash out by biting and whipping its tail. They are arboreal lizards, which mean they love to climb in plants, on trees and rocks. They are great swimmers and are happiest when they have a source of water to dip into.

Another great point to consider is that Chinese Water Dragons are known communal animals and tend to do better when kept in pairs or in groups. Owning multiple dragons doesn’t require much more work or money than owning a single one.

Petware House

In addition to being excellent pets, the Chinese Water Dragon is native to the highland forests in East and South Asia as well as to the lowland, but more specifically, China and India. They love freshwater environments and can be found along the banks of freshwater lakes and streams in the wild.

Chinese Water Dragons are most active during the daylight hours (diurnal). They enjoy spending their days relaxing In plants and trees located near water where they sunbath and eat insects. If in a tree and they feel threatened, they will drop from a tree for safety and scatter or submerge themselves in water for up to twenty-five minutes. Creating an environment which mimics real-life settings are both good for camouflage and for the mental enrichment of your lizard.

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Petware House

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Always consider a substrate that won’t cause impact if ingested. Sterilized potting soil, with a cover of sphagnum moss can be used as can a mix of peat, soil and sand, soil and cypress mulch, astroturf, or paper. Plenty of branches should be provided for basking and climbing. Some live plants of pothos, dracaena, hibiscus, ficus and staghorn ferns make a good addition.

Petware House

Keep a fairly large container with water for your pet dragon. It will need to submerge at least half of it’s body height. A kitty litter box should do nicely. It’s suggested to remove and clean/disinfect the tub daily, especially if your pet uses it as a toilet. The humidity should be kept at around eighty percent. Mist the enclosure once or twice daily as needed. Potted live plants can help keep humidity up.

Petware House

Heat temperatures are paramount for your Chinese Water Dragon and should be in the rage of 84-88 degrees Fahrenheit, with a basking spot of 90 degrees Fahrenheit. During the evening hours, the temperature can be dropped to 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to setup a temperature gradient and ensure you measure temperatures on both the cool and warm side. You can choose to use a combination of ceramic heat temperatures, basking lights, or under-tank heat pads. Also, a florescent fixture should be used in 12 hour on / 12 hour off cycles to simulate day and night.

Petware House

As with any pet, your Chinese Water dragon will require a steady supply of mealworms, grasshoppers, waxworms, earthworms, locusts and small feeder fish. You can also feed them pinkie mice and kingworms. Avoid feeding wild insects due to the risk of containing pesticides and at all costs avoid fireflies as they are toxic. Ensure that your pet takes in a diet of about fifteen percent of finely chopped vegetables and fruit. Try a variety of vegetables such as carrots, orange squash, sweet potato, etc. Fruits should be made available in smaller quantities and can contain raspberries, mangos and cantaloupe.

Younglings should be fed daily, while as a general rule adults can be fed every two or three days. Looking at their body mass tells you if they should be fed more or less.

Petware House

The Chinese Water Dragon has a long history and along with that we have many interesting facts regarding this species of animal, compiled below, for your reading convenience.

Petware House in Fort Wayne - (260) 481-5151Chinese Water Dragons are omnivorous, meaning they will eat almost anything.

Petware House in Fort Wayne - (260) 481-5151Chinese Water Dragons reach sexual maturity at four to five years of age and can live as long as twenty years.

Petware House in Fort Wayne - (260) 481-5151A male Water Dragon can reach a length of 1 metre and weigh about 1 kg. Two-thirds of the length of a Water Dragon is its tail.

Petware House in Fort Wayne - (260) 481-5151The Water Dragon Tail is mostly muscle and is shaped with flattened sides to help It swim and cut through water like an oar.

Petware House in Fort Wayne - (260) 481-5151Water Dragons are a very ancient line of lizards. They have been around for a similiar length of time as crocodiles, about 20 million years.

Petware House in Fort Wayne - (260) 481-5151Water Dragons generally run on all four legs, but when they want to go faster they arch their backs and lift their fronts legs off the ground and run on their back-legs, like dinosaurs do.

Petware House in Fort Wayne - (260) 481-5151Water Dragons generally go to the toilet in the water.

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All animals regardless of type, need and deserve our respect and will rely on our care. In the same fashion, the respect and care for your family, friends and your parents we need to do the same for our pets. Treating your pet with gentleness and kindness is the perfect way to show you that you care for it.

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Petware House

Petware House is conveniently located at 7477 Lima Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana, which is just moments north of West Cook Road and a few minutes drive from the I-69. While heading north on Lima Road, you will find us on the left hand side of Lima Road, next to DAVCO Auto. We have ample parking for our visitors, parking for seniors, handicap and expectant mom’s. Additional accessibility is available for handicap and for the delivery of large items into and out of our store location. Come into our new showroom for the largest selection of healthy pets, pet food, pet accessories and let our friendly, knowledgeable staff help you find that perfect pet and solutions that work best for you.

Our store is conveniently open Monday through Saturday, 10 AM through to 8PM and on Sundays from 12 noon to 5 PM. If you have any questions regarding our store location, business hours or for general inquiries, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for further assistance.

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