Hamsters make excellent beginner pets, are easy to care for, very clean and have docile temperaments. You must handle your Hamster. They are pleasurable to watch over as they exercise on their wheel, go about storing and hording food in addition to keeping house. Many even show acknowledgement from their owner and eagerly await treats when approached.
A hamster that is treated respectfully and handled carefully from a very young age will remain a docile creature and will never bite. Those with a docile temperament and a history of not biting can be simply picked up by using your hands then cradled near your body. Ensure you choose a hamster a good temperament and don’t just grab or startle the hamster as it may bite.
Your hamster will become more docile over time as you gently handle and cradle them in the pam of your hands. The more it’s handled the more tamer it will become. If your handle them incorrectly they may develop untrustworthy habits and personalities and begin to bite because they have been handled roughly or suddenly disturbed or awakened.
Hamster temperaments will vary from breed to breed, depending on where you get your pet from. Here at Petware House we ensure any pet bred in our care receive the best care possible. If your pet is from one our local breeders, you can rest assured that each are picked only as a result of the highest care standards possible.
Keep in mind that some hamsters cannot be kept together after the age of eight to ten weeks of age as they fight, resulting in injury or death. Especially two adult female hamsters. Expecting females are typically larger than their male counterparts and tend to be more aggressive towards them as well.

Your pet hamster will require daily exercise in order to maintain good health. We highly recommend an exercise wheel and your pet will take care of its own exercise. Another great suggestion is the use of an hamster ball, which you can put on your floor and the hamster will run around the house inside the ball. Providing long habitrials will provide your pet with plenty of room to roam around. Hamsters will also enjoy cans opened at both ends (ensure there are no sharp edges) and boxes with multiple openings through which they can crawl.

Hamsters require a healthy diet in order to stay active and happy. You will find a variety of great food for your hamster right here at Petware House and some fresh fruits at your local grocer. Lab blocks, sometimes called rodent diet or rodent chow, fruits, cheerio’s and bread can be given to your pet. Introduce fruits as a slower pace to avoid diarrhea. Clean fresh water should be provided using a hanging bottle. Bowls and dishes should not be used for water as he or she will stop on it and get your cage all wet. Hamsters will carry food and bedding in their expandable cheek pouches back to their borrow. They will hide a pile of food under the bedding and eat it later at their own leisure.

Your pet Hamster will require very few trips to the vet. On the other than Teddy Bear hamsters and other genetic varities may be more susceptible to disease and sensitive to antibiotics and other drugs than the shorthaird Golden Hamster. If you hamster is under stress, they can get diarrhea which is called “wet bottom”. We bottom looks similar to pee, shortly after they contract this, they will usually die.

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