Although the Emerald Swift is from a relatively cool climate with limited sunshine, the best temperature for this specie when kept in captivity is approximately seventy-five degrees, while providing a basking area that reaches approximately ninety-degrees during the day.
A thermal gradient is an important aspect of your enclosure and vital for your Emerald Swift health and well-being. Such a thermal gradient allows your pet to rest in comfort at the cooler and of the gradient and while allowing for them to bask until a desired body temperature is reached. Always use a couple of good thermosets, affixed to the tank, at either end the help measure and maintain the gradient within the Emeralds environment.
There are number of acceptable ways to help create heat for your Emerald. For example, infrared bulb, heating pads, incandescent bulbs, heating pads and ceramic heat emitters are all good choices. Your will find many heating options here at Petware House, and don’t forget, we have the largest selection of reptiles in Fort Wayne.
Even though emerald swifts are exposed only to periodic sunlight in the wild, the use of full spectrum lighting in captivity has proven highly successful in rearing this species. Fluorescent bulbs designed specifically for reptile use, and that provide light in the ultraviolet B (UVB) range are your best option.
The light produced by these bulbs replicates the rays of the sun and plays a vital role in vitamin D3 production and calcium absorption.

Cypress mulch or orchid bark are both excellent choices for Emerald Smith substrate as it promotes high levels of humidity without hording fungus or mould. Add to this green sphagnum moss and you will have an excellent combination to maintain adequate humidity levels.
The addition to appropriate, ample climbing and basking perches, while not necessary, are highly suggested. In addition logs and rocks can be used for both ornamental purposes as well as climbing structures which your pet will require for activity.
In addition to the mentioned décor be sure to include some live and/or plastic pants and a hiding place or two. When lizards become stressed out, he or she will retreat to their hiding place for a little while.
In addition to a steady supply of drinking water, ensure your swift enclosure is misted with room temperature water, a few times a day. You will learn through trial and error to determine how much misting your enclosure will require to an important moisture level. Ensure that your substrate is damp and never soggy. You will know when you must mist your enclosure as the substrate will be nearly dry.

For the continued health of your Emerald Swift, as with any other lizard, you will have to ensure they have access to a steady supply of clean, fresh water. A shallow bowl is typically suggested to provide your pet with easy access and provides best suitability for evaporation of water for humidity purpose.
In addition to a steady supply of drinking water, ensure your swift enclosure is misted with room temperature water, a few times a day. You will learn through trial and error to determine how much misting your enclosure will require to an important moisture level. Ensure that your substrate is damp and never soggy. You will know when you must mist your enclosure as the substrate will be nearly dry.

When you get your new pet home, it will be skittish and stressed out. Place it in its new habitat and allow for a couple of weeks to lapse before handling it. Start by picking it up for a few minutes a day, while holding it inside the cage to prevent it from escaping. Do this for about a week. Do not attempt to lift your Emerald Swift from behind or from above, this may startle your pet. Place one hand in front of your pet and gently nudge him or her up onto your and.

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