9. If your puppy relieves himself in the house, and you catch him in the act, do not lose your cool! Rubbing his nose in it, yelling at him, spanking him, or scruffing him are all ways to blow your puppy’s trust in you. You wouldn’t scold a toddler for having an accident in his pull-ups. You would simply guide him to the bathroom. Patience and direction goes a long way. When you catch your puppy, just take him outside to his potty spot. Clean up the mess, move on, and watch him closer.
10. Try to achieve a set schedule for your puppy. You can even write one out and make sure everyone in the house sticks to it.
11. The proper use of a crate can make potty training go very quickly. A dog shouldn’t be in a crate for more than 4 continuous hours. Have a friend, neighbor, family member, or dog walker stop in to let your dog out to stretch his legs and relieve himself.
12. Keep in mind that a puppy can only hold his bladder for however many months old he is plus one. A 2 month old puppy can only realistically hold it for 3 hours total. A 3 month old puppy can hold it about 4 hours. Plan potty breaks accordingly, even overnight!
13. Feed at three set times each day (you can cut to two times per day at about 5-6 months old). Only offer your puppy food for 20 minutes, and then pick it up, Whether he ate it or not. Your puppy will learn to eat at his specified mealtimes, and this will help limit the amount of times he will need to relieve himself throughout the day.
14. Don’t get complacent when you are having success with potty training. It’s going great because you are sticking to a routine! Keep it up!
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