In addition to continued, on going care your Newt requires, you will have keep your pet’s tank nice and clean. It’s important not to neglect your pet’s environment for their long term health. If required, use a gravel cleaner and bucket to extract some of the water and any debris, at least a couple of times a week and top off with dechlorinated water. Place your Newt’s in a holding container while cleaning out there entire enclosure. You will need to remove all the water and scrub the accessories, rinse the gravel and of course, refill with water. Allow water to reach average room temperature then return your Newt back into its enclosure. Your cleaning schedule and frequency will greatly depend on the size of the enclosure and the number of Newt’s you keep as pets in the same enclosure.

As a general rule of thumb, the Newt should not be handled unless absolutely necessary – this applies to all amphibians. Please keep in mind that while the Newt is a great pet, its not a good pet for small children. Handling your Newt will expose them to skin oils which can be toxic to them and will cause them a great deal of stress. You will also expose yourself to the possibility of salmonella and skin irritation. If its necessary that you touch them, do so with freshly rinsed hands and was your hands after with an antibacterial soap. If you can help it, don’t handle them at all – coax them in a plastic container of some sort and use a net to help move them around from place-to-place.

Newt’s, as with all amphibians, are of a permeable skin type, which makes them quite sensitive to various toxins in their environment. As a result, we must use dechlorinated water in the tank and never use chemical base cleaning products when preparing and cleaning their tank. If items need sterilization, place it in a pot a boil the item for twenty minutes to kill off any bacteria and other pathogens. If you use any specialty spray on products, be sure to rinse the item thoroughly afterward. Also, do not share the same tank with other species as Newts are themselves toxic, exuding a position from their skin.

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