Wondering what your pet Gerbil should be eating to maintain a healthy lifestyle and happy pet? No problem. For the most part, their diet is a naturally complex one and is healthy to begin with so this makes it a little easier. He or she will love to nibble on grains, seeds, pellets and dried vegetables. This type of diet mix is usually readily available, right here at Pet Warehouse. Its also good to offer your pet small amounts of fresh vegetables to your gerbils every day. They will immensely enjoy Broccoli, Turnips, Lettuces and carrots. Be sure to make fresh, clean water available to your pet at all times.
Gerbils really do make for a good pet. Epically for families or children who are looking to learn the meaning of responsibility in addition to the fun that come along with owning a pet. If you have any questions, wish to take home a Gerbil today or need some help with choosing the right food. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Petware House and we will be pleased to be of assistance.

Provide your Gerbil with a proper living environment as they will not live well in a small cage designed for mice or a hamster. Gerbils are known for gnawing through many materials such as wood and plastic so it’s wise to choose carefully. In addition they will need a lot of space to burrow down into a thick layer of bedding or substrate. We encourage the use of a large metal or glass enclosure. They should be well equipped with shelving, tubes and a lot of materials for burrowing. Here at Petware House we have many proper enclosures to choose from in addition substrate, food and much more. Don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be pleased to be of assistance.
Choosing from a litter of pups can be challenging as most first timers pick out their pet based on color or picking the one with the cutest face. Instead, try choosing the right pet based on the healthiest coat and inquisitiveness personality.
Similar to the Chinchillas bathing ritual. Your gerbil should be cleaned in a dust bath, rather than soap and water. The Gerbil will take care of the rest of the upkeep. It’s also a natural instinct for Gerbils to come together in groups for the purpose of grooming.
A final item to consider for your gerbils care is an exercise wheel. The will get quite a bit of use out of this and is a requirement for exercise. An exercise wheel with a solid base is a acceptable. If it has wire slats if will trap the Gerbils paws and tail, which may lead to serious injury.

Just as with any other pet, the Gerbil is susceptible to getting sick. It’s an unfortunate fact of life. Tyzzer’s Disease is common in Gerbils and addition to Pinworms. If you find that your Gerbil is lacking in it’s daily routine is isn’t as active is usually is, don’t hesitate to contact Petware House. We carry a number of medications for the Gerbil and will work with you to find the right fix. Otherwise, we highly recommend the Fort Wayne Pet Hospital if you the issue with your pet is of an urgent nature.

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